Substantiate your ROI with Econometric Modelling services from Further Insight

Our advanced econometric analysis and modelling services give you full understanding of your marketing investment. With our modelling, you can take targeted action to improve ROI of future activities.

Econometric modelling is a statistical technique that is often used to measuring business activity, forecasting business results, and optimising business planning and strategies. Econometric modelling uses data from marketing and media spend and performance, weather, economic, demograpic, economics, environment, and / or finance source. The data is collected over a period of time, and statistical models are built to predict the outcome of changes in the included variables. In marketing it can be used to answer the following questions:

  • How many sales can be generated by a certain level of media spend?
  • What is the contribution of marketing and media to sales ie ROI?
  • What is the most cost-effective contribution i.e. maximum return on investment?
  • Which channels make what level of contribution?
  • How has the contribution changed over time?
  • What is the optimal media mix, flighting and weight with current budget to best maximise sales?
  • What is the most appropriate media flighting strategy?
  • Where is the opportunity to improve the marketing or media mix?
  • To what level does competitor activity steal base sales?
  • What is the impact of retail offers, price, seasonality, weather, holiday periods, etc. on sales?
  • What is the optimal brand (i.e. Brand Hands) vs retail spend, optimised for short term sales results?
  • What is the optimal retail awareness vs retail performance mix, optimised for short term sales results?
  • How much does each digital publisher contribute to online conversions?
  • What is the optimal brand vs retail spend, optimised for long term sales results?


Optimise your marketing spend

With econometric modelling you will know exactly what the ROI on your marketing efforts has been. You can use this to optimise your future activity and either gain more sales, or gain the same amount of sales with a reduced budget.